Using the Power of His Office (2019)

Using the Power of His Office, 2019. In September 2019 a whistleblower inside the CIA made reported that the president was, “Using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.” Steven Frost’s poem for our nation is not one of unity or peace but is instead, an incantation created to defeat Donald Trump at the ballot box or in the Senate. Frost’s banner reads, “USING THE POWER OF HIS OFFICE”, and was hand-embroidered with a bright coral pink acrylic yarn. The background of the banner was handwoven line by line using reflective gold and umber materials. These materials reflect the facade of wealth and celebrity that helped Trump gain fame. The laborious production methods used in constructing this piece reflect efforts big and small by millions of hopeful individuals working to resist the harmful policies of the Trump administration.

Part of the exhibition Poems for Our Nation, Union Hall Gallery, 2019 (Denver, CO).


Liberace in Purgatory


Mend the World (Berlin/Boulder)